• 改编自同名人气网络小说,讲述管理财阀一家的秘书尹贤宇(宋仲基饰),被冤枉涉嫌侵吞资金而被财阀家杀害。尹贤宇重生为财阀家的小儿子陈道俊,以新的身份一边成长一边复仇的故事。
  • 本片讲述相爱的人成为陌生人为止的故事。
  • 本片讲述相爱的人成为陌生人为止的故事。
  • 身价

  • 一个无家可归的年轻人碰巧在尘土飞扬的地面上画了一系列插图,逐渐从过去的痛苦中恢复过来。
  • 本片讲述相爱的人成为陌生人为止的故事。
  • Nothing really looks what it really is when you look from a distance and so is Jinwoo’s quiet life, far from the hectic, stressful city life, tucked away in the beauty of the Korean countryside, welcomed with open arms by a loving new “family” that has accepted, on their sheep ranch, him and Seol, his wonderful niece who he loves as if she were his own daughter.But when Park Kun-young's careful and precise direction begins to focus on the details of Jinwoo's existence, slowly revealing his restless soul, we gradually discover the complexity of the reasons that led to Jinwoo's extreme choice to retire in the countryside to live like a shepherd.The arrival at the ranch of Jinwoo’s longtime male friend from university, Hyunmin, upsets all balance. Moonkyeong, the ranch owner’s daughter, who has a crush on Jinwoo, accidentally discover the two men in bed and shortly afterwards Jinwoo’s twin sister, and Seol’s birth mother, shows up at the ranch after years of absence and silence and wants
  • Nothing really looks what it really is when you look from a distance and so is Jinwoo’s quiet life, far from the hectic, stressful city life, tucked away in the beauty of the Korean countryside, welcomed with open arms by a loving new “family” that has accepted, on their sheep ranch, him and Seol, his wonderful niece who he loves as if she were his own daughter. But when Park K...
  • The 12-year-old Myung-eun can't really comprehend the word “family”. She wishes to keep it a secret because she is so different from what she would like to be. When it comes to writing, on the other hand, she does not allow herself to be restricted by reality. An almost Dostoevsky-like story told in the complexity of human emotions about how to find a place in the world.
  • 远方

    Nothing really looks what it really is when you look from a distance and so is Jinwoo’s quiet life, far from the hectic, stressful city life, tucked away in the beauty of the Korean countryside, welcomed with open arms by a loving new “family” that has accepted, on their sheep ranch, him and Seol, his wonderful niece who he loves as if she were his own daughter. But when Park K...